101 Self Help Tips

       101 Tips to Find Motivation and Reach Your Goals

    Setting goals and achieving them is something everyone can do to improve their lives. While we all have goals that we want to achieve, doing so, however, can be difficult. Nearly everyone struggles to convert their goals into reality.
    We procrastinate and lose motivation, and ultimately falter in the execution of our plans, leading us to become frustrated and defeated. This failure to achieve our goals, eventually causes us to lose faith in our abilities to move forward, leaving us feeling powerless to break out of old habits and improve our lives.
    Setting goals can be a powerful tool that keeps us focused and sharp. They can be visual and mental reminders that we need to get things done. If we fail to create goals for ourselves, then we can also fail to succeed in whatever we choose to achieve.
    Having a tangible set of goals that are written down and checked off when completed, can provide an amazing boost to one's self-confidence, which can, in turn, spur us on to achieve further goals.       

    This will then increase our chances of bettering our lives and attaining a life-changing goal that we thought beyond our reach.
Fortunately, achieving goals is a skill that can be taught and learned. From being more organized to changing your mindset, there are numerous ways you can put yourself in a better position to conquer your goals. The following guide will provide you with 101 tips for finding your motivation, building self-discipline, managing your time, changing your mindset so you can finally achieve your goals.


                    Tips for Finding Your Motivation


 If you find that you can't bring yourself to go through the necessary actions to reach your goals, then you more than likely lack the motivation. Motivation isn't something that is simply found; you have to make it happen. If you find yourself in a rut, here are some practical ways to drive yourself forward to accomplish your goals and change your life.
Tip #1 – Make a Deal with Yourself
If you want to overcome procrastination and start getting things done, you need to make a deal with yourself. This deal can be either big or small. For example, you can tell yourself, “When I’m done with these reports, I can take a walk in the park and enjoy some ice cream.” Giving yourself something fun to do once you complete your task can keep you motivated to get things done.

Tip #2 – Leave Yourself Messages in the Morning
There may be mornings when you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see. This can quickly kill any motivation you have and quickly ruin your day. To avoid this issue, find a message that will inspire you to be your best, even if you don’t look or feel it. Using a dry erase marker, write the self-affirming message on your bathroom mirror. This will help build your self-image and help you start your day on a positive note. 

Tip #3 – Don’t Hit the Snooze Button
One phrase that can quickly zap your motivation, "Just five more minutes." When you hit your snooze button, you're starting your day off by procrastinating the inevitable task of getting up and going. Having an extra five minutes in bed in the morning isn't going to do you any favors and will kill your motivation. 

Tip #4 – Practice Positive Self Talk
If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, start practicing positive self-talk. When your alarm goes off in the morning, instead of grumbling and hitting the snooze button, tell yourself, “I can do this!” By affirming yourself in this way, it will make it easier for you to get out of bed and get going in the mornings.

Tip #5 – Stay on a Regular Schedule
Knowing what to expect can keep you motivated, which is why it’s important to know your daily schedule and stick with it as much as you possibly can. While things do happen that can interrupt a schedule, knowing that you have one planned and in place can make it much easier to keep on track and still stay productive during the day.




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