Achieve Breakthrough Using Delayed Gratification

        In order to receive the most possible gratification from something we must first learn to hold off on instant rewards. This may seem like a hard task to accomplish for many people. With a little practice and the use of these helpful steps, waiting for the big prize will become a walk in the park.

        The principle of delayed gratification is something that we can apply for almost everything in our lives. The rarer a particular thing is, and the more we wait for the pleasure of finally getting it, the more enjoyable it is when we receive it.

Setting Limitations To Your Desires 

       In the world we live in most people can’t wait for the greater delayed reward and chooses the instant reward instead. Almost every pleasure that you can possibly think of is available to you at any particular moment. Want to watch a movie? It’s available to you by a click of a mouse. Want to try some Chinese food? You can order it for instant delivery through any 24hour food joint. Want to purchase a new rock album past midnight without going to the store? Simple find it on Amazon or iTunes and buy it online. Want to talk for a while? Call a friend or text the person.
This is the time of instant pleasures. Anything you want is provided instantly for your pleasure.
        No one is going to stop you from doing something that you want to do instantly, and it is all up to you since you are the one who is in charge of controlling the flow of your life. You control when you want something and if you want to wait for something bigger and better. You are the only one who can draw limits on your pleasure and it’s not because you have to draw the lines, but because you want to cherish it for a better time. It was once part of social initiative and now it is your personal choice to make decisions for yourself.
        Now the question arrives, why would you wait instead of receiving the instant rewards? The answer is simple- to maximize your own pleasure and happiness.

       It’s quite obvious that we’re discussing about the matter of denial to self pleasure here, which is a very strong word in the psychology world and is sometimes compared with “sacrifice” and maybe it will make you feel suffocated when you think about it this way. This feeling is natural as why would you deny yourself from any sort of pleasure?

      Have Willpower

     Something that you notice only when you are denying yourself from the greater pleasures is how important the little pleasures are. For instance, to any person something sweet like a brownie is a desire, but if you are on a strict diet, little things seem like a lot more and you start appreciating them more. If you take a break from the bigger rewards you actually gain back the ability to appreciate the little rewards which you receive in everyday life. It is important that you cherish the little things as well.
When you deny an instant pleasure to receive something greater later, and you get want you want after the wait, it is quite possible for you to realize that you didn’t need it after all. For example, you think that you are in need of a new laptop and instead of buying it right away you wait for a couple of months and then you realize that your old laptop is working just fine and you don’t need a new one.

Inspires you to value the things:

     After the months long wait, if you still want that particular object that you wanted to buy, then get it. Waiting to get it makes you appreciate it more which will make you take better care of it. Just like your parents used to say all the time… if you buy something yourself you take care of it in a better manner. If you have saved your money for quite some time to purchase a new laptop, chances are that you will do anything to make sure that it lasts as long as possible. Delayed gratification gives us the feeling of earning a pleasure and this feeling makes us want it even more and as a result we do anything to keep it from going to waste. This brings us to the next advantage.


Gives you full satisfaction and no guilt: 


     Have you ever purchased something that you desired, but were unable to buy it right away and had to save money for it? The pleasure that you receive when you finally buy that object after all the wait and efforts is heavily increased. As well, the wait also makes sure that there is no guilt afterwards for making an instant decision to purchase the thing right away without rethinking it. This guilt would have made it hard for you to enjoy the pleasure fully if you had bought the object instantly. 

      But when you wait for a pleasure to come and make efforts for it, the pleasure is entirely yours and there are no second thoughts to cause any guilt or regrets. When you have saved money for a new PS3 you can purchase it any time without worrying about the guilt.


 Allow Yourself to Experience Life deeply:


      You miss out on some things when you don’t buy things instantly. But delayed gratification is all about sacrifice and about denying the things that keep you from having greater pleasures. This is what you need to think and believe.

      I’m always asking, “What am I going to give up next?” Because I want to feel. -Jim Carrey 

      It’s hard to see it but the real pleasure comes only after the waiting, when you know you really want it and you have made efforts for it.
The one thing that everybody wants is to feel pleasure. Not necessarily something great, but to feel anything real, and to feel it deeply. Most things that we do socially are generally targeted to feel something that we want, no matter if it’s good or bad; we just want to feel it. Even if we are doing something bad, the feeling is still enjoyable at some level.
But instead of creating awkward situations and doing stupid things, you can also put your time and efforts in doing something better such as increasing the anticipation of a particular pleasure by leaving it for a later time.
Normally we consider hunger as a bad thing and satiation as a good one. But each one of these two states has its own value for us. To enjoy our meal and the feeling of satiation we need to feel hungry at times. To feel the life in its entirety we need to feel both the feelings of “having something” and “not to have that something”. If you always have everything that you wish for then you are missing out on the pleasures that you get by earning something that you really want.








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